This original collection of alcohol ink [aka alchy ink] paintings features 44, one of a kind pieces. In 2020 over 44 Trans and non binary people were murdered in the US. The number of pieces is reflective of those lives we’ve needlessly lost from pure hatred, racism & intolerance.

In the aftermath the injustices continue to pile up through deadnaming, unreported or misreported (due to deadnaming, etc.) records and the appalling atrocity of of the LBTQIA+ Panic defense.

This shit is still legal in most of the nation. This is an interactive map, showing if legislation to ban this defense in each state has been passed (12/50), has been introduced (14) or is being allowed to continue unabated (26+PR.)

Though this (Yampa Valley/Steamboat Springs, CO) community shows up largely as 1% and or cis white bubble, greater awareness of the atrocities that have always faced the Trans (& non binary) people can make a difference. Once you know you can’t un-know, so why not step up, get educated, support Trans (& non binary)  resources, legislation, advocacy, mutual aid, share your wealth, whether by recurring monetarily or volunteering. There are so many opportunities to do better and it simply starts with YOU. Yes YOU! Don’t dismiss what value your time or money can have on a Trans or non binary life.

$20 of each piece’s sale will go to one of these places:

  • Direct / Mutual Aid funds to Trans & Non Binary in need of immediate monetary support

  • G.L.I.T.S - “We approach the health and rights crises faced by transgender sex workers holistically using harm reduction, human rights principles, economic and social justice, along with a commitment to empowerment and pride in finding solutions from our own community.”

  • The Sylvia Rivera Law Project

 This GALLERY page shows the complete collection together — when you click on individual images they will go to their corresponding product page if they are AVAILABLE.